
Tag: 130 Stories

130 Stories: Beth (Anderson) Hjelm

“The fabric of North Park is the connections and friendships interwoven throughout our lives. While I was a first-generation North Parker, our daughters were the fourth generation in my husband’s family. I hope their children will continue the legacy.”

Beth (Anderson) Hjelm, C’77, Physical Education

“The fabric of North Park is the connections and friendships interwoven throughout our lives. My husband John Hjelm and his father, Rev. Bob Hjelm, both taught at Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥. While I was a first-generation North Parker, our daughters were the fourth generation in my husband’s family. I hope their children will continue the legacy.

“Several professors had a great impact on my teaching career and life. Ted Hedstrand’s camping class in the Boundary Waters of Minnesota and Canada pushed me physically as I’d never canoed and camped in such a remote area before. Watching Ted catch our dinner and canoe for hours without ever tiring, was inspirational. He had such an easy-going personality and his love for that place was evident. Strong friendships were formed among the students as we spent each night talking around the campfire. This was also where I first met John, although our relationship didn’t develop until after we’d both graduated.

“Trudy Zemelis was instrumental in getting me an interview for my first teaching job, while Inez Olander taught me the importance of preparation and to always have a PLAN B! I was fortunate that Inez remained a friend for many years following graduation. She encouraged me to further my education and inspired me to find ways to improve my teaching methods.

“Perhaps most importantly, I’ve been lucky to maintain close friendships with three women—Sharon Hanstad Anderson, Kerstin Swanson Hilton, and Ruth Jensen Zschoche. We met in Ohlson House in September of 1973. The fact that we continue to be involved in each other’s lives despite living in three different time zones is a testament to how important those friendships are to us. We’ve traveled together, attended reunions, and now meet virtually every couple of weeks to catch up. What a gift they’ve been in my life!

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130 Stories: Sinead Molloy

“During my maternity rotation at Swedish Hospital, I had the exciting experience of being present as a woman delivered her baby. Being in that room was like watching a miracle happen.”

Sinead Molloy, C’21, Nursing, Women’s BasketballÌý

During my maternity rotation at Swedish Hospital, I had the exciting experience of being present as a woman delivered her baby. As a nursing student I could not do much, but just standing by her side was empowering to me. It amazed me what the body can do and how strong mothers are. Being in that room was like watching a miracle happen.

“So much of what I experienced during clinicals I could not have learned from a book, but my time in the classroom and the simulation lab we have at Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ really prepared me for those hands-on experiences. I’ve learned that spending time with a patient, brightening up their day, and making sure they are comfortable can really help their overall health. Being able to do my clinical rotations around the city has given me experience in the hospitals where I might want to work in the future. This also helped me realize that I would like to specialize as a labor and delivery nurse.

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130 Stories: Josie Summerville

“My favorite memory from playing on the basketballÌýteam,Ìýis a game we played against Illinois Wesleyan duringÌýmy sophomore year.ÌýWe wanted to win. Badly.”

Josie Summerville,ÌýC’22, CommunicationÌýStudies,ÌýWomen’sÌýBasketballÌý

My favorite memory from playing on the basketballÌýteam,Ìýis a game we played against Illinois Wesleyan duringÌýmy sophomore year.ÌýWe wanted to win. Badly.ÌýThey areÌýa good team,Ìýbut we knew we could beat them. So did a lot of fans. That game showed me how much support we have,Ìýas students, family, friends, and even professorsÌýturned out to support us.ÌýThe campusÌýcommunityÌýtruly came alive in theÌýarena,Ìýcheering and clapping until the final buzzer soundedÌýas we won the game.Ìý

women playing basketball“I’m in my senior year now, and my teammates and I know how each other plays. We know what we’re capable of. We know how to build each other up. Games have challenged that, but we have overcome adversity, trusting each other and having each other’s backs.Ìý

“I moved here from Georgia, and at first, I was shy and of course, didn’t know a lot of people. But as I became a part of different groups on campus, the connections I made have been truly inspiring and special to me. After my freshman year, I decided to help other students with the transition to campus life as a registration assistant and orientation leader. I love to meet new people and helping my peers gives me a feeling of happiness and connectedness.”

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130 Stories: Michael Gagne

“IÌýwanted an opportunity for people to hearÌýthe magnificent pipe organ in Anderson ChapelÌýandÌýto sing some of the great hymns of our faith.”

Michael Gagne, C’12, Music

“As a student it occurred to me that manyÌýof my peers mayÌýnot have been exposed to church music in its grandeur.ÌýIÌýwanted an opportunity for people to hearÌýthe magnificent pipe organ in Anderson ChapelÌýandÌýto sing some of the great hymns of our faith.ÌýWith support from Dr. Helen HudgensÌýandÌýformer Professor of Music, Dr. Rollo Dilworth, I plannedÌýNorth Park’sÌýfirst annual Hymn Festival Series.

“It was designed as a free public event where anyone might attend and hear the word of God, whether through scripture reading or a familiar hymn. Of course, this meant we had no idea how many people would attend. I will never forget that first hymn festival—after concluding the organ prelude, I turned around to see the chapel filled with people from top to bottom. It was both awe-inspiring and humbling. I learned an important lesson—that it never hurts to dream and to ask. You may be surprised and blessed by the response.

“During my Senior Year, in collaboration with Dr. Julia Davids, I directed the student led Handbell Choir that premiered in the 2012 Hymn Festival. I had about a month and a half to prepare an eight-member student ensemble, which was both exhilarating and terrifying. Our first public rehearsal was on the day of the hymn festival, and I can very much remember Dr. Davids complimenting how well the handbell choir played in such a short amount of time. It was a blessing to have received her tremendous support.

“In preparation for the hymn festivals, I also collaborated with my dear friend and mentor, long time University Organist, Mr. Leon Nelson. Lee provided a lot of insight into hymn selection, special organ settings, choral accompaniment, and organ improvisation. Many of these tools are beneficial to me today as principal organist and music associate at Saint Matthew Lutheran Church in Hawthorn Woods.Ìý

We’re celebrating 130 years of North Park community. You’re invited to share your own story at

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130 Stories: Marisa Lugo

“My advisor Patti McCanna was always available to talk and meet with me. When entering her office, I knew I was in a safe space and could discuss anything with her.”

Marisa Lugo, C’17, Organization and Management BA

“As I embarked on my journey with The School of Professional Studies in the fall of 2015, I questioned if I was making the right decision. I felt defeated and overwhelmed with life, school, work, and other responsibilities. My advisor Patti McCanna was always available to talk and meet with me. When entering her office, I knew I was in a safe space and could discuss anything with her. Patti was straightforward and honest, and reassured me that pursuing my degree was possible. She helped me make a plan to continue my studies and inspired me to want to make a difference with others as she had done for me.

“As graduation was upon me in 2017, I was so excited to attend my honors ceremony. I was awarded magna cum laude honors, inducted into Alpha Sigma Lambda, and was able to take pictures with Patti and my family. In December, as I graduated, I had tears of joy. I was and am proud to say I am a graduate of Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥. Patti was right. I did it!

“Patti’s leadership, honesty, and advising sessions inspired me to do the same work. After graduating, I became a part-time academic advisor at a nearby community college in Chicago. Now when I meet with students that are interested in attending NPU, I get so excited. North Park provided me with social mobility and the opportunity to learn and grow.”

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130 Stories: Alyssa Anderson

“My first year as faculty, John Hjelm asked me if I would help chaperone his cross-country ski trip course at Covenant Point.”

Alyssa Anderson,ÌýAssistant Professor of Athletic Training and Clinical Education Coordinator, C’11Ìý

women in north park zip up and ear warmers hiking in snowy woods“My first year as faculty, John Hjelm asked me if I would help chaperone his cross-country ski trip course at Covenant Point. Another faculty member had to have surgery and couldn’t go, but I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea. I would not have called myself a cross-country skier. However, seeing John on that trip, how much energy he got from teaching in that environment, really made an impression. John’s love for students and Covenant Point really shone through. He was so joyful to get to share this place that was important to him with students who became so important to him.Ìý Ìý

“Over the years, the trip evolved as John passed the torch to Kesia Shirkey, who later passed it to me. What remained throughout were the connections formed between people and with Covenant Point. The year I led the trip, another alum, Dustin Johnson, who had participated as a student his first year, now a decade later was on staff at Covenant Point and in charge of ski instruction. It was fun to hear how the trip had evolved through his eyes.ÌýÌýÌý

“In the last few years, many of our students were from Chicago and didn’t have a lot of experience in rural environments, so it was an opportunity for them to enjoy nature in the wintertime, step out of their comfort zones, learn new skills, and meet people they otherwise wouldn’t. For commuter students, it was an opportunity to experience community. You could tell that people who would otherwise never meet each other were going to become study buddies, get coffee on campus, or just have someone else they would recognize outside of their major.ÌýÌý

“The trip hasn’t happened for a couple of years. When John passed the torch, he was very clear that it did not have to continue just because he started it. I think that speaks to the fact that Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ has had some innovative programs in its history, some of which are here for a time and gone, some of which span the decades, but they all are core to who we are in terms of educating students in immersive environments and exposing them to things they might not otherwise see or learn from.”Ìý Ìý

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130 Stories: Greg Sager

He’s the on-air voice for not one, two, three, but nine different Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ sports. He’s the one and only Gregory Sager.

Greg Sager, Play-by-Play Commentator, Viking Athletics

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130 Stories: Geraldine Debeuf

“As a French student studying abroad for a year, I learned so much at Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥, about peopleÌýandÌýabout myself.”

GeraldineÌýDebeuf, C’10, ISEP Program, FranceÌý

“As a French student studying abroad for a year, I learned so much at Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥, about people and about myself. My favorite memories at Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ were Halloween on Campus (we don’t celebrate it much in France), dances at Navy Pier, Spanish classes with Cherie Meacham, and basketball games . . . So many great memories!Ìý

“North Park is special to me because the staff, the teachers, and the students are all the nicest people! And Chicago is a wonderful city that will be in my heart forever. My husband and I had our first baby last November, and I really hope she can have an experience abroad like I did at Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ because I know she won’t regret it!”Ìý

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130 Stories: Sandy Nelson

“The Sweden Exchange Program with SVF in Jönköping, Sweden—August, 1983 to March, 1984—was the most influential time of my years at Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥.”

Sandy Nelson, C’85, Art

“The Sweden Exchange Program with SVF in Jönköping, Sweden—August, 1983 to March, 1984—was the most influential time of my years at Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥. In addition to making lifelong friends, the experience of living in Sweden really opened my eyes and mind to the ways other cultures live, and ways that might be better than the systems we have in the USA. Other travels to Greece, the Soviet Union, and around Europe while I was on the exchange program, as well as a mission trip to Haiti during one spring break, were also extremely valuable and enlightening.

“Along with those incredible experiences and the opportunities from living in the wonderful city of Chicago, it was special to be on a small campus where you really get to know people of all ages, including professors. I loved it when I realized that so many of my friends were the children of people that my folks knew or went to North Park with—the generational connections were unbelievable! Now many of my North Park friends have kids attending North Park. I hope it’s still that way when my daughter is college-age.”

We’re celebrating 130 years of North Park community. You’re invited to share your own story at

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