
Picture of North Park Seminary Cupola in Chicago

Seminary Now Partnership

Seminary Now Partnership

North Park Theological Seminary is proud to be a partner with . Seminary Now is a subscription-based, streaming video platform that delivers exclusive biblical, theological, and practical ministry training from a diverse group of leading educators and thought leaders. Through this partnership, NPTS faculty will be recording and releasing courses with Seminary Now. You can visit the Seminary Now site to learn more about the courses being offered and to subscribe.

Missiology in the 21st Century

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In this course Al Tizon, affiliate professor of missional and global leadership, explores the question of how the church should practice God’s mission throughout the whole world in the 21st century. God is on a mission to redeem all of creation and everyone in it, and God has given us a mission to bear witness to this good news of peace, justice, and salvation to the ends of the earth. But what does this mission look like in the 21st century, among the diverse cultures, and at this particular time in the history of the world? The nature of the gospel remains unchanged, but the expressions, forms, and practices of the church on mission ³¾³Ü²õ³ÙÌýchange if we are to speak meaningfully in today’s world.


"From the classroom, to the Church, to the city, to the world, we will help prepare you."