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North Parker Magazine Winter 2019

Faculty Authors

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From math textbooks to sociological studies to theology:
Check out the variety of topics our faculty has published about in the past year.

Ilsup Ahn:
Just Debt: Theology, Ethics, and Neoliberalism

Rachelle Ankney and Aaron Kaestner:
Just Math

Chad Eric Bergman: (Translation)
Three Contemporary Swedish Plays: Hand in Hand; The Frozen on the Square; and Ghosts and Zombies

Paul H. de Neui:
Gift and Duty: Where Grace and Merit Meet

Michael Oluf Emerson and Kevin T. Smiley:
Market Cities, People Cities: The Shape of Our Urban Future

Alice Gorguis:
Pre-Calculus, First Edition; Statistics Tools, Third Edition

Daniel White Hodge:
Hip Hop’s Hostile Gospel: A Post-Soul Theological Exploration; Homeland Insecurity: A Hip Hop Missiology for the Post-Civil Rights Context

Hauna Ondrey:
The Minor Prophets as Christian Scripture in the Commentaries of Theodore of Mopsuestia and Cyril of Alexandria

Gregor Thuswaldner and Daniel Russ: (Editors)
The Hermeneutics of Hell: Visions and Representations of the Devil in World Literature

Theodore G. Zervas:
The Making of a Modern Greek Identity: Education, Nationalism, and the Teaching of a Greek National Past (1880–1930)

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