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Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ Student, Art Professor Selected for 2012 Fulbright Awards

Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ Student, Art Professor Selected for 2012 Fulbright Awards

Fulbright Awardee Karen Kelly

Karen Kelly

Kelly to teach English in Andorra; Okore to teach 'environmental art' in Nigeria

CHICAGO (May 1, 2012) – awarded overseas teaching opportunities to two women from the Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ community this spring. Senior Karen Kelly was awarded an English Teaching Assistantship to teach in a secondary school in , a small European country between France and Spain. , associate professor and art department chair, was named a , and will teach and work closely on environmental art projects with artists, galleries, and art organizations in her home country of Nigeria.

Kelly will graduate this month from the University with a double major in global studies and French, and will leave for Andorra later this summer. She is fluent in English, French, and Spanish, and has taken Arabic courses at the University. Most Andorrans speak French or Spanish. Many also speak the country's official language, Catalan. The mix of languages and cultures piqued Kelly's interest in serving Andorra. "That's what stood out to me because on the description for candidates, it said they will give preference to candidates who speak Spanish or French. That will fit well," Kelly said.

The daughter of (ECC) missionaries, Kelly was born and raised in Mexico City, and is a dual citizen of Mexico and the United States. She learned about the Fulbright program before she went to Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ after her parents, Rev. Thomas and Janice Kelly, met former Fulbright Scholar , professor of Spanish. That relationship later led to Kelly's decision to apply.

Growing up in a missionary family and attending an international school with students from throughout the world influenced Kelly's global interests. "Being around people who were different from me and speak different languages than me was just normal. I loved it. I had friends from all over the world," she said. Kelly has never been to Andorra, but did study in France during her junior year at the University. Andorra is known for tourism, shopping, and skiing. Its population is nearly 100 percent literate, she said.

Kelly's essay, in which she discussed Andorra as a country "tucked" between French and Spanish cultures, impressed Parkyn. "Her essay followed this metaphor as she described her own life, growing up 'tucked' between the cultures of Mexico and the United States. Karen will be an ambassador for an increasingly mobile group of young Americans who carry with them various 'tucked between cultures' experiences," Parkyn said.

Kelly is looking forward to her role as U.S. representative during her Fulbright year. "I see it as an opportunity to build bridges and break down barriers. I like the unknown, too, to see what's going to come of it," she said.

Fulbright Awardee Nnenna Okore
Nnenna Okore

Art Professor Nnenna Okore to teach environmental art in home country

Nnenna Okore will travel to in August, and plans to use her Fulbright Scholarship to teach artists how to use discarded materials to create works of art, and raise attention for environmental restoration in Nigeria.

"It's always been my dream to go back and teach in one of their universities, and share what I've learned here with faculty and students," Okore said in an interview. Okore is a sculptor, whose niche is in environmental art. She uses materials such as newspapers, wax, cloth, rope, clay, and sticks in her art. "It's something I've been very interested in for a long time," she said.

There isn't an effective way of recycling in Nigeria, and many artists have tried including recycled materials in their work. But generally, the culture does not accept such works as genuine art because recycled materials are used, Okore explained. "Part of my aim is to begin to bring some authenticity to the use of our environment, and the use of things that are byproducts of that environment, whether social, physical, or consumer environment. We should be thinking of ways to recycle things back into our art and into our daily lives," she said.

With her Fulbright grant, Okore, who planned sabbatical leave for the coming academic year, will open a studio in Lagos. She plans to collaborate with local students and artists in creating art from recycled materials, raise attention for recycling and environmental restoration, and discuss future art collaborations involving Nigerian institutions and the University. She will also design and teach a course in environmental art at the . Okore will debut the works she creates at the , Lagos, beginning in May 2013. Later, she plans also to display the works at the University's , and in other venues.

Okore, of Morton Grove, Ill., began teaching at the University in 2005. She has been recognized with several national and international awards. Okore's family will go with her to Nigeria for the academic year, and she plans to stay in touch with Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ art students via Skype and other online venues.

Parkyn, who also helped Okore prepare her Fulbright application, said her own Fulbright Scholar experiences "force her to see the world in uncommon ways." "One day eager student faces look to you for guidance in the classroom; the next day they debate American involvement in their lives with skepticism; in the same conversation they invite you for coffee to ask you questions about your beliefs. It is a whirlwind of learning for all involved. Professor Okore's art will inspire, attract, repel, and incite. This is every professor’s dream, and to share North Park’s wonderful artist with these Nigerian students is almost magical," Parkyn said.

The Fulbright Program was established by the U.S. Congress in 1946, and is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State. It is the largest U.S. international exchange program offering opportunities for students, scholars, and professionals to undertake international graduate study, advanced research, university teaching, and teaching in elementary and secondary schools worldwide.

Use @npunews to . For further information or resources, contact John Brooks, Director of Media Relations and News, or at (773) 244-5522. Learn more .

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Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ Graduates Find Value in Dual Seminary, Business Degrees

Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ Graduates Find Value in Dual Seminary, Business Degrees

Students at Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ Theological Seminary

The University's dual-degree programs provide opportunities for Seminary students to combine theological instruction with business-skills education.

Graduate dual-degree programs improved, better integrated

CHICAGO (June 26, 2012) – Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ has improved its graduate that combine theological instruction from the University's with business and nonprofit administration education, offered through the University's School of Business and Nonprofit Management (SBNM). Graduates of these educational programs say their dual degrees have helped them in their ministries and opened up career paths.

The University offers dual-degree programs with six different possibilities. The new degree structure is clearer, and integrates the two degree programs more, said , NPTS professor of New Testament and acting associate academic dean. "The degree programs are better balanced in such a way that it's not two degree programs operating separately," he said. "This is an exciting and unusual opportunity for students."

The revamped graduate dual-degree programs include two required courses in which students reflect on the relationship of faith and business issues, said Dr. Wesley E. Lindahl, SBNM dean and Nils Axelson Professor of Nonprofit Management. In addition to learning business skills, students in the dual-degree programs "have access to literature and books, and make connections with professors whom they can call on for advice regularly," he said.

Students can earn one of three degrees offered by the Seminary: master of divinity, master of arts in Christian formation, and master of arts in Christian ministry. Each of these degree programs can be combined simultaneously with one of two degree programs offered through the SBNM — master of nonprofit administration and master of business administration.

Studying for dual-degrees "allowed me to pursue my seminary education and pay attention to the part of me that loves to organize, and manage detail," said . "To me, this was faithful in pursuing my call. Each piece was very important."

Strom earned master of divinity and master of nonprofit administration degrees from the University in 2007, then served four years as youth pastor at , Wilmette, Ill. About one year ago, he became executive director at , Iron River, Mich., where Strom is able to live out his longtime interest in camping ministry. "I would not be equipped for this had it not been my choice to pursue the dual degrees," he said. The search committee wanted someone with knowledge of theology, and who would keep the camp connected to other area ECC congregations. They also wanted their leader to manage budgets, make financial decisions, and raise funds. Strom said that for any professional church leader thinking about organizational leadership, the University's dual-degree program is worth considering.

earned master of divinity and master of business administration degrees in 2008, motivated through her congregational experience in starting shelters for people who were homeless. "I found myself at this intersection of the deepest needs of people, and trying to meet those needs," she said. "I always had to reach out to CEOs and managers for sponsorship and funding, and I needed to be able to speak their language."

Students talking at Nyvall Hall.
Graduates say their ministries and career paths have been enhanced by earning dual degrees.

Kholodenko is associate pastor at , an Assemblies of God congregation in Chicago, and director of a nonprofit corporation, the , that helps people become self-sufficient. The Dream Center operates a full-service restaurant and catering business to maintain its own self-sufficiency. "I would have never been able to do that without my degrees," she said. "We do several large-scale fundraisers, and we have to do forecasting and marketing. It is God's grace, coupled with skills and training, that has allowed things to be done as effectively as they have."  Not every pastor needs dual degrees, Kholodenko said, "but I can't think of a pastor who would not benefit from it." She has since added expertise, earning Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ certificates in organizational development, nonprofit management, and entrepreneurship to go with her dual degrees.

Rev. Steven V. Hoden, who earned a bachelor's degree in biology from the University in 2000, returned after working five years as a science teacher to work on a dual-degree program. Hoden chose the Seminary as opposed to others because of the dual-degree offering, and said taking some online business classes helped him juggle class time commitments. He and his wife served as short-term ECC missionaries in Spain, earning remaining field internship credits after he earned his divinity and nonprofit administration degrees in 2010. Almost immediately, Hoden put his business skills to work there while helping to establish an ecumenical bookstore to support an ECC church plant. Now he serves as pastor of Palmyra Mission Covenant Church, Hector, Minn.

"I think as a solo pastor, the (dual degrees) make it easier to be in this type of position," Hoden said. "I could have been called into this position without it, but I didn't realize the level of administrative tasks that would come to me right away. There were high expectations from the congregation, and having this foundation is really helpful."

His business knowledge has been useful in working with the church's administrative board, recruiting and mobilizing volunteers, and in financial matters. "I stay away from the financial giving of individuals and families, however, I appreciate knowing how to read a financial statement each month, and seeing the trends. When you're in a small congregation, financials can have a lot of impact," he added.

, director of Seminary admissions, said she's answered several inquiries about the University's revised dual-degree program. "I think the complexity of what's expected of pastors — the integration of ministry and business preparation — is highly significant. Most pastors will likely have to deal with business matters," she said.

Use @npunews to . For further information or resources, contact John Brooks, Director of Media Relations and News, or at (773) 244-5522. Learn more .

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University Unveils New Master’s Degree in Literacy, Language, and Culture

University Unveils New Master's Degree in Literacy, Language, and Culture

Teacher with student

Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥'s new master's degree program in literacy, language, and culture is available beginning in the fall semester, 2012.

New degree program prepares teachers for today's classrooms

CHICAGO (April 23, 2012) – Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ will become the second university in Illinois to offer a multifaceted (MALLC) beginning with the fall semester, 2012. This spring, the approved the University's request to offer the graduate degree program to help educators prepare themselves for increasingly diverse learning communities.

"One of the greatest challenges as a classroom teacher is addressing the needs of my ," said Derek Gould, a 4th grade teacher at , Chicago. To educate such students and prepare them for the challenges they will face, Gould said educators need extensive support and training focused on these students' specific needs. "The MALLC program has multiple courses that would improve my practice, and ensure that my students are receiving instruction that is tailored to their cultural, social, and academic needs," he said, adding that he is interested in pursuing the University's new advanced degree.

Offered through the University's , the MALLC is designed for certified teachers already working with culturally diverse students, and who want to enhance skills and gain additional certification. Teachers enrolled in the MALLC program can also obtain , provided the teacher is fluent in a language recognized by the . The MALLC's 34-hour program can generally be completed in two years through classes at the University's Chicago campus. Courses run eight weeks, and are offered on evenings and Saturdays, and during the summer.

The University has offered ESL courses to teachers for some time. The new degree incorporates ESL and adds emphases related to culture and literacy—reading and writing development, said , Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ associate professor of education. "School administrators want more well-rounded teachers, instead of bringing in specialists," she said. "The mainstream teacher has to have the knowledge, the tools, and the skills to work with these students." Balodimas-Bartolomei and , associate professor of education, are expected to teach in the North Park MALLC program.

Julie Due, assistant principal at , Park Ridge, Ill., said more and more students attending the school come from European and Asian cultures. It's not easy to find teachers with broad cultural and experience with languages other than English, she said. The University's new MALLC degree is a positive step, said Due, who works exclusively with North Park student teachers. "North Park sends the most prepared student teachers by far. You can tell the level of integrity, wisdom, and knowledge they bring," she said, adding that the University's strong teacher education program results in strong, well-prepared teachers.

Illinois public schools serve students who speak at least 139 distinct languages, and nationwide, English Language Learners represent 10 percent of total public school enrollment. The University is located in an area of Chicago said to be among the most culturally diverse in the United States. As many as 80 distinct languages are spoken in nearby schools, said , dean, Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ School of Education.

"This degree, providing advanced certification, meets the need of classroom teachers who need to know how to teach the students who are now in their classrooms versus 20 years ago, or even 10 years ago," Nelson said. "Teachers are always looking to increase their skills, and increase their effectiveness in terms of delivery to students. This is a perfect example of a training program that provides skills for classroom teachers to evolve to the next level."

Use @npunews to . For further information or resources, contact John Brooks, Director of Media Relations and News, or at (773) 244-5522. Learn more .

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Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ Announces Campus Theme Lectures for 2012-2013 Academic Year

Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ Announces Campus Theme Lectures for 2012-2013 Academic Year

Sir Peter Crane

Sir Peter Crane presents the first Campus Theme Lecture Sept. 17 at Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥.

Speakers to address, 'What Is Nature?'

CHICAGO (August 27, 2012) — Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ will host four prominent speakers in its annual Campus Theme Lecture Series, a series of public discussions reflecting a common theme throughout the academic year. For 2012–2013, speakers will address the theme, "What Is Nature?"


The lectures focus the University academic community on one question fundamental to human experience, said, assistant professor of as well as the director of and the . "The meaning, purpose, and interaction with the natural environment, in many ways, is one of the definitive questions with which a culture or historical age must wrestle, he said. "We chose the theme not only for its present cultural import but because it explicitly brings the sciences into dialogue with wider campus commitments to the arts, justice, multiculturalism, and the Christian faith."

Beginning with Sir Peter Crane's lecture Sept. 17, the speaker lineup is representative of the overall mission of North Park as a Christian liberal arts university, Clifton-Soderstrom said. "Each of our speakers has an impressive resume, is widely respected globally, and has also has sought to answer this question is truly interdisciplinary ways," he added.

All lectures will be held at Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥'s , 3225 W. Foster Ave., Chicago.

September 17

The Biological Scientist:

Dr. Crane has had a distinguished and diverse career in the biological sciences. He is currently dean of the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. For many years, he was director of England’s renowned Royal Botanical Gardens (KEW), was director of the , Chicago, for four years, and was a professor for seven years at the University of Chicago's Geophysical Science program. He is the author of seven books, more than 200 articles in both scientific and popular journals, and was knighted in 2004 for his conservation work.

October 15

The Nature Writer:

Best-selling and award-winning author Barry Lopez is widely recognized as one of this generation's best nature writers. His is author of Arctic Dreams, for which he received the; Of Wolves and Men, a National Book Award finalist for which he received the and medals; and eight works of fiction, including Light Action in the Caribbean, Field Notes, and Resistance. His essays are collected in two books, Crossing Open Ground and About This Life. He contributes regularly to Granta, The Georgia Review, Orion, Outside, The Paris Review, Manoa and other publications in the United States and abroad. His writings have appeared in dozens of anthologies, including Best American Essays, Best Spiritual Writing, and "best" collections from National Geographic, Outside, The Georgia Review, The Paris Review, and other periodicals. His more recent publications include The Future of Nature

November 1

The Environmental Activist:

Named by Forbes in 2010 as one of the most influential women in the world today, Dr. Shiva is a distinguished physicist and environmental activist from India. She is best known for her work on environmentally sound food production that honors both the earth and human rights, with particular attention paid to the rights of women in the agriculture systems within developing countries. Among her many awards, she was granted the , the , , and the   

March 1, 10:30 a.m.

The Christian Astrophysicist:

Dr. Wiseman is an astronomer and director of the for the . She is the senior project scientist for the at , where she previously headed the Laboratory for Exoplanets and Stellar Astrophysics. Wiseman received a bachelor’s degree in physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a doctorate in astronomy from Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. She has been active in the dialogue on Christian faith and science over the years, and she has been featured on several broadcasts devoted to these topics. 


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Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ Students to Attend Conference in Sweden September 12-16

Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ Students to Attend Conference in Sweden September 12-16

Swedish American Bridge

Bridge Conference focuses on the environment, entrepreneurship, cultural exchange

CHICAGO (August 29, 2012) — Four senior Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ students will be among about 60 students from the United States, Canada and Sweden who will attend the Swedish-American Bridge Conference in Karlstad, Sweden, Sept. 11–16. The conference aims to promote an eco-friendly and sustainable existence, focusing on the roles of cultural organizations, entrepreneurship and future-oriented research, said , dean, , and director, .


Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ and other universities of Swedish heritage in the United States were invited to select four students to participate in the conference, Peterson said. Two women and two men were chosen from several qualified applicants by a committee of University faculty in the sciences and business, he said. Each student submitted essays expressing interest in the conference, including experience in environmental studies or entrepreneurship, Peterson said.

Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ students who will attend are:

  • Calise Berger, Eagan, Minn., major: She wrote that she has visited scientific laboratories in St. Louis, to learn about career paths in research, and has visited community-based coffee and bread-making companies. "I am excited about pursuing further education in biological research, particularly within the realm of environmental microbiology," Berger wrote, adding she has "a deep interest in sustainability and stewardship when it comes to experiencing and utilizing our natural resources." She expects to learn more about sustainability and stewardship at the conference.
  • Alexander Elliott Gutierrez, Chicago, major with a marketing concentration: Gutierrez said his reason for attending the Karlstad conference is that he wants to participate in the , a comprehensive regional plan to help seven Chicago-area counties and 284 communities plan for sustainable prosperity. "I also hope to learn which post-graduate degrees … to pursue on sustainability, entrepreneurship and innovation efforts that complement many of the world's cities," Gutierrez wrote.
  • Kia Lewis, Reston, Va., major: Lewis has studied in Seoul, South Korea, where she saw first-hand vigorous law-enforced recycling measures. She also participated in the in Chicago this year, where she joined other students in conversations about environmental topics. "I am still new to the subject of environmental issues," Lewis wrote, adding that attending the conference could help her learn from peers who are more experienced and well-versed about global concerns, and help her decide about attending graduate school.
  • Jon Ten Brink, Grandville, Mich., major: Ten Brink has worked at an organic, community-supported agriculture farm in Wisconsin, and , an Albany Park organization that serves as a community bookbinding facility. Ten Brink is also interested in conflict transformation that has focused on cultural barriers and conflicts. "I have developed a passion and value for cultural exchange and cooperation," he wrote in his essay. "This conference offers a great opportunity for me to further my education within the environmental field, my knowledge of small business, and cultural experiences in a whole new way."


Attending with the students are Dr. Wesley E. Lindahl, dean of the School of Business and Nonprofit Management and Nils Axelson Professor of Nonprofit Management, and Peterson. Conference keynote presenters are Dr. James "Jim" C. Spohrer, director of IBM University Programs worldwide; Jonas Hafström, Sweden's ambassador to the United States; and Mark Brzezinski, United States ambassador to Sweden.

Use @npunews to . For further information or resources, contact John Brooks, Director of Media Relations and News, or at (773) 244-5522. Learn more .

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Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ Professors Teach Chinese Business Students

Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ Professors Teach Chinese Business Students

Dr. Al Kamienski in China

Dr. Al Kamienski taught classes in strategic management this summer during his second teaching visit to China.

Two professors visit Chinese university as part of exchange agreement

CHICAGO (July 17, 2012) — Two Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ professors each spent one month in China this summer teaching university business students and professors. taught classes in strategic management and taught organizational behavior and ethics during their residencies at in Bengbu City.

Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ maintains with five Chinese universities, including Anhui University. Those agreements established cross-cultural learning and research opportunities for students and faculty, and promote student and faculty exchange.

"I am very pleased that our relationship with Anhui University continues each year," said , dean of the University's (SBNM) and Nils Axelson Professor of Nonprofit Management. "Having both Dr. Marsh and Dr. Kamienski teaching at Anhui this summer demonstrates the strength of our relationship. We also are planning to welcome two additional professors from Anhui this coming academic year, following the two professors that were a part of our community last year."

Marsh was in China from May 23 until she returned June 26. Chinese culture is very exam-driven, she said, and it's important that students and teachers develop critical reasoning skills to compete in the global marketplace. That's one of the reasons why the Chinese government is promoting exchanges of U.S. and Chinese faculty, said Marsh, SBNM associate professor of business and nonprofit management. "If the Chinese are going to compete, they have to do more than copy and repeat things," she said. "They have to learn to argue and think critically. They want us there to help reeducate some of the faculty to help develop a different kind of learning for the students." 

Dr. Catherine Marsh in China
Dr. Catherine Marsh was honored at a closing ceremony at Anhui University when she concluded her teaching residency.

Marsh, who lived in Japan earlier in her life, said the Chinese culture was quite different. Communication in English was not always easy, she said. "I think that the Chinese are very patient with us because they want to learn from us, Marsh said. "They know we can work together." Marsh hopes to return to Anhui University next year to teach, and wants to spend more time talking with professors and students about mutual research interests.

Kamienski, SBNM associate professor of finance, taught classes in China last year. He returned to teach for a month beginning May 14. Based on what he learned in his first experience, Kamienski said he structured his course to include more group-based activities, presentations, and simulations. "This year was much more of a group dynamic and feel," he said. "I thought it worked much better in terms of fostering student engagement, and they really seemed to thrive with that." Kamienski also lectured at a university in Shanghai while he was there, and would like to return someday.

Like many, the Chinese are committed to the next generation "having it better than they did," he said. Multiple generations of one family often live in the same household, Kamienski said, and hospitality is important. "They really take hospitality of foreigners seriously," he said. "The Chinese are always concerned about where you're at, what you're doing, who you're with, and how they can help."

Both Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ professors want other colleagues to have the opportunity to work in China as they have had.

"I would love to see all of us do it," Marsh said. "While I was there, it became much clearer to me who I am and what I value." Especially valuable, she said, are opportunities to meet people one-on-one, and to meet them in their homes.

"This has been transforming and life-shaping for me in several ways. For any of our professors and staff, fantastic gains of friendship and culture can take place with such an experience," Kamienski said.


Use @npunews to . For further information or resources, contact John Brooks, Director of Media Relations and News, or at (773) 244-5522. Learn more .

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Read comments from the of he University's School of Business and Nonprofit Management.


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Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ Names Director for Center for Youth Ministry Studies

Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ Names Director for Center for Youth Ministry Studies

Daniel White Hodge

Dr. Daniel White Hodge, the new director of the Center for Youth Ministry Studies.

Daniel White Hodge is noted scholar, speaker, teacher and writer

CHICAGO (January 27, 2012) – Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ named Dr. Daniel White Hodge director of the University's . Hodge, 38, will assume his new role at the University on Feb. 15.

"We are excited to welcome Dr. Hodge to the Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ community," , University provost. "His work and commitment to serve in the field of youth ministry studies will be a great asset in our vision to engage students, youth workers and pastors in the growth and development of youth throughout this country."

Hodge brings 18 years of urban youth experience with organizations such as Young Life and , as well as related scholarship, speaking, teaching and writing experience to his new role. "I believe this is a natural fit with the work I've been doing," he said in an interview. "I've always heard great things about Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥. I'm excited because it really fulfills what I've been doing most of my life. I'm looking forward to making this a national center for resources and for people wanting to do youth ministry."

A factor in his decision to join the University was its emphasis on diversity and justice, and the fact that those themes resonate throughout the Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ community, he said. The University's Christian environment and its urban emphasis because of its location in Chicago were other influential factors, Hodge said.

Hodge, who will also have teaching responsibilities at the University, hopes his work will enhance what students already care about, he said. "A lot of students are taking up social justice, and I'm excited to engage in those conversations," Hodge said. "Students are willing to wrestle with how to put a theology around how we live godly and justly at the same time."

Hodge is a native of Menard, Texas. He earned a bachelor's degree in social and behavioral science from California State University Monterey Bay, Seaside, plus a master's degree in intercultural studies, and a doctoral degree in philosophy of intercultural studies, both from Fuller Graduate Schools, Pasadena, Calif.  He has taught subjects such as urban youth culture, Black popular culture, Hip/Hop discourse, race, ethnicity, religion, and sociology at several colleges and universities including the University of California at Los Angeles; California State University Northridge; Vanguard University of Southern California, Costa Mesa; Asuza (Calif.) Pacific University; and Fuller Graduate Schools. Hodge has lectured at other higher education institutions, such as Stanford (Calif.) University, the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, and Union Theological Seminary, New York.

Hodge is fluent in English and Spanish, and is an ordained pastor of the . He has written two books, Heaven Has a Ghetto: The Missiological Gospel & Theology of Tupac Amaru Shakur, published in 2009, and The Soul of Hip Hop: Rims, Timbs & a Cultural Theology, published in 2010. His third book, The Hostile Gospel: Finding Religion in the Post Soul Theology of Hip Hop is expected to be published this year. Hodge has also published articles in journals and written book chapters.

Hodge has worked in the music industry. In 1997, he produced a compilation album of West Coast Hip Hop recording artists. He was a recording engineer for artists such as Snoop Dogg and in the early 1990s, wrote musical scores for the first season of "New York Undercover" on Fox Television.

Hodge, his wife, Emily, and their five-year-old daughter, Mahalia Joy, currently live in Minneapolis.

The Center for Youth Ministry Studies serves Christian leaders dedicated to holistic ministry with adolescents. It provides resources and training through workshops, webinars and other resources; consulting services; and networking and connections through partnerships throughout the United States. The center is a partnership of the University, , and the (ECC), Chicago. The University and Seminary are both affiliated with the ECC.

Use @npunews to . For further information or resources, contact John Brooks, Director of Media Relations and News, or at (773) 244-5522. Learn more .

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University Student Conference Teaches Diversity, Community, Leadership

University Student Conference Teaches Diversity, Community, Leadership

Pastor Corey Brooks

Pastor Corey Brooks Sr., inspired the conference attendees with his story of faith and leadership.

Chicago pastor inspires attendees, said he seeks 'to please God'

CHICAGO (November 8, 2012) — As many as 400 Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ students – plus nearly 300 from other colleges and universities in the Midwest and other parts of the United States – participated November 2 in the University's fourth annual . The students attended to learn about diversity, community, and leadership, and how to apply what they learn at their own institutions.

This year's keynote speaker was of , a large, growing nondenominational congregation on the south side of Chicago. Student attendees said they were inspired by his comments about personal integrity and becoming leaders.

Brooks' presentation "really stood out to me," especially his remarks about casting a vision, believing in it, and pursuing it, said Jamir Prattis, Ohio Dominican University, Columbus. Clarissa Harris, also from Ohio Dominican, said, "I came to this conference to learn more about becoming a better and effective leader, and to have a more diverse organization," she said. Harris is president of her university's Black Student Union.

Lynda Yang-Jungsing, a student from Bethel University, St. Paul, Minn., has attended the conference the past two years. "It's something that I feel helps me be more culturally competent, and helps me with leadership," she said. With her was Bethel student Jessica Yang, who was able to connect her major with what she learned. "I'm a nursing major, and we're learning how some ethnicities don't have access to health care, or don't have health insurance, or, when they are injured or hurt, they are less likely to go to the doctor. Being here and talking about the communities here — it is interesting to see how that is applied," she said.

"This conference provides an opportunity for students to learn about issues of diversity at a deeper level," said Dr. Terry Lindsay, conference chair and Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥'s dean of . "Many of the students that come don't have the resources on their campuses to do the kinds of things that we do here at this conference."

Brooks told the students he made a personal decision a few years ago "to please God" as a positive response to urban violence. Brooks said he was called to live in a tent on the roof of an abandoned, dilapidated hotel across the street from New Beginnings – to raise funds to buy the building and demolish it for a new neighborhood community center. His commitment raised enough money to fulfill his goal during his 94-day stay. In another response, Brooks said he was called to walk across the United States over a period of four months, and reached the West Coast last month. That effort raised another $500,000 for the community center project.

Brooks encouraged the students to be leaders in their own contexts, suggesting three principles for leadership. Money, he said, should not be a motivating factor in becoming a leader. "You will be called to do things, and you won't know where the money is coming from," he told the students. "Your motivation should be that at the end of the day, you want to hear God say, 'well done, good and faithful servant.'"

A second quality is that good leaders obey God even when they don't understand why they are being called. "One of the qualities missing in leaders today is faith. Faith is one of the things that pleases God. When you obey God, God will bring you things you can't imagine," he said. Third, leaders have to be able to thank God before receiving anything, he said. "Faith is about saying thank you before you receive," Brooks added.  

The students attended several conference workshops on topics such as intercultural competencies, building multicultural organizations, leadership development, principles of inclusion, and mentoring. Cultural and musical performers were Bethel University's Royal Steppers, the Children's Choir, Chicago, and , Chicago. A reception for concluded the conference.



Use @npunews to . For further information or resources, contact John Brooks, Director of Media Relations and News, or at (773) 244-5522. Learn more .

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Interdisciplinary Forum on the Bible and Health Set for October 30

Interdisciplinary Forum on the Bible and Health Set for October 30

Healthy Human Life

Dr. James Bruckner's recent book is the focus of the October forum at Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥.

Seminary, School of Nursing sponsor Chicago forum

CHICAGO (October 19, 2012) — A Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ professor and a panel of health professionals and pastors will address topics related to the Bible, human health, and healthy relationships in an October 30 forum, "The Bible and Health: An Interdisciplinary Forum." The event features , professor of Old Testament with the University's , who will present from his recently published book, .

The two-hour forum is free to attendees and begins at 3:30 pm in Olsson Lounge at Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ Theological Seminary. Event sponsors are the Seminary and the Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ .

Healthy Human Life "is the result of 10 years of conversation about understanding and practicing human health — conversations between a biblical scholar and health care professionals," Bruckner said in an interview. "The book unpacks the biblical text to address questions which are foundational to health care as well as biblical theology." The book includes content for patients, families, health care professionals, counselors, and pastors dealing with health or end-of-life issues, and could be used as a text in professional schools.

Dr. James Bruckner
Dr. James Bruckner

Panelists who will respond to Bruckner are , dean of the School of Nursing and holder of the Gretchen Carlson Memorial Endowed Chair in Nursing; C. Louise Brown, vicepresident of health ministries, Progressive National Baptist Convention, and former director of public health for the City of Evanston, Ill.; and , pastor of Ravenswood Covenant Church, Chicago.

"There is tremendous interest in the church's role in promoting health with their members and communities as evidenced by the wide variety of health ministries in which churches are engaged," says , RN, Seminary and University professor of health ministries and nursing. "It is important for these ministries to be biblically and theologically informed as well as sound from a health perspective." Healthy Human Life "provides a much-needed biblical perspective" for Christian health professionals, congregations with health ministry teams or faith community (parish) nurses, and medical researchers, she added.

In addition, the Seminary offers a 12-credit interdisciplinary in collaboration with the School of Nursing, as well as continuing education workshops for ministry and health professionals.

Use @npunews to . For further information or resources, contact John Brooks, Director of Media Relations and News, or at (773) 244-5522. Learn more .

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North Park Theological Seminary Announces Urban Ministry Certificate

North Park Theological Seminary Announces Urban Ministry Certificate

Certificate in Urban Ministry

Applications for first cohort accepted through March 31

CHICAGO (February 10, 2012) – is accepting applications for a new, two-year graduate educational program leading to a . The 15-credit certificate program is intended for Christian ministers and lay leaders who want to learn more about engaging in effective ministry in urban settings.

The Seminary is part of Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥, a higher education institution with a . Those core values, combined with the cultural and Christian diversity represented in Chicago, position the Seminary to offer a rich educational experience to students, said , program director. Rah is Milton B. Engebretson Associate Professor of Church Growth and Evangelism for the Seminary, and a former urban pastor himself.

"Chicago is part of the classroom we're offering," he said in an interview. "Being in Chicago is a tremendous advantage. It is a center for community development, community organizing, for ethnic diversity, and with diverse neighborhoods."

Offering a certificate program in urban ministry is part of a larger trend of urbanization and the growing influences of urban culture, Rah said. Both the University and Seminary are affiliated with the (ECC), which is planting new congregations in urban areas, Rah said. Urban pastors and urban lay workers could benefit greatly from the certificate program, Rah said. "We hope it will strengthen and undergird their urban ministry," he said. The program can also introduce people to urban ministry who want to learn more.

The urban environment is complex, constantly changing, and always challenging, Rah said. The certificate program will emphasize deeper theological and spiritual engagement, as well as practical ideas for enhancing urban ministry. "We do this ministry as followers of Jesus. Anytime we can deepen the theology, it is a good thing. Also important are spiritual formation and discipleship. All of these serve to strengthen our work in the city," he said.

Students who complete the program will earn 15 credit hours in just over two years. Plans call for the first cohort to meet Aug. 13–17 in Chicago, followed by online coursework beginning in October. The cohort will meet in Chicago for another week in August 2013, followed by online coursework. A final week-long gathering in Chicago is planned for August 2014. Rah said an ideal size for the urban ministry cohort is about 15 to 20 people.

"There is great enthusiasm in this Seminary and in this denomination for this certificate program," said Rah. "It represents a wonderful convergence of what Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ is all about, and what the Evangelical Covenant Church is excited about."

Applications and supporting materials must be submitted to North Park Theological Seminary by March 31, said E. Kirsten Burdick, director of Seminary . All applications will be considered at the same time in April, she said.

Use @npunews to . For further information or resources, contact John Brooks, Director of Media Relations and News, or at (773) 244-5522. Learn more .

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  • Learn about all the offered by North Park Theological Seminary
  • Check out the , an upcoming urban youth and justice event
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