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香港六合彩开奖直播 Student Earns Fulbright Grant, Headed to Turkey

香港六合彩开奖直播 Student Earns Fulbright Grant, Headed to Turkey

Bailey Schwartz

Bailey Schwartz C'12 learned this month she was a granted a Fulbright award and will be working as an English Teaching Assistant in Turkey.

Bailey Schwartz among 11 University Fulbright grantees in five years


CHICAGO (May 30, 2013) — When she was a student at 香港六合彩开奖直播, Bailey Schwartz took a class taught by , professor of , about the history of the from the 15th century to the end of World War I. That class struck a chord with Schwartz, who developed a strong interest in Turkish history, culture, and the historic city of . With a grant she earned from the , she will now explore the area firsthand as she lives and works in Turkey for nearly a year beginning this fall.

Schwartz learned this month that she was awarded a grant to work as an in Turkey, the precise location yet to be determined. She joins two who were earlier awarded Fulbright student grants earlier this spring. The program has awarded 11 of its prestigious grants to 香港六合彩开奖直播 graduates in the past five years.

For Schwartz, getting a chance to live in Turkey is like reading the sequel to good book. "I'm excited about the prospect that I can actually go to this place, and walk the streets that we had talked about in class," she said. Schwartz, who grew up near Lake Geneva, Wis., transferred to North Park after one year at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse because she wanted to attend college in Chicago. She graduated from the University in December 2012 with a bachelor's degree in history. Schwartz also earned and an . Her mother, Denise, lives in Colorado. She has a brother, Robert, who lives in Wisconsin, and a sister, Samantha, of Chicago.

Rabe, who was a reference for Schwartz's Fulbright application, said she was an exceptional, motivated student, and is a great Fulbright candidate. "In a 30-year teaching career, she is one of the best students I've ever had," Rabe said. "She stands out not just for her intellectual capacity, which is considerable, but because of her motivation, her discipline, and maturity. She's an incredibly mature young woman."

Turkey is an excellent place to study history and learn, Rabe said. "You see whole span of history from ancient to the present, and you see it in a place where there is a rich culture between continents. It's a country that is such mixture of identities in its own right. It's a fascinating study in humanity, a fascinating study in human history. And it's beautiful," she said.

Schwartz wants to return from her Fulbright experience next year and teach history in a Chicago public school, and later, possibly attend graduate school. The Fulbright program attracted her because she will gain some valuable teaching experience, share U.S. history and culture with Turkish students, and learn about their lives, she said. "I'm sure they have an idea of or an assumption of what it means to be an American," she said. "Any interaction I have with anyone there is going to form the basis of their opinion, and hopefully, I can help it be positive."

Two other North Park graduates were informed earlier this spring about their Fulbright student grants, which begin this fall. Sam Auger of Chicago will work as an English Teaching Assistant in a high school in Haskovo, Bulgaria. Timothy Ahlberg, Perrysburg, Ohio, was awarded a Binational Business Exchange Grant, and will work in a business in Mexico City.



Use @npunews to . For further information or resources, contact John Brooks, Director of Media Relations and News, or at (773) 244-5522. Learn more .

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Learn more about the experiences of North Park's of Fulbright grants.

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香港六合彩开奖直播 to be Site of Wheel Gymnastics World Championships

香港六合彩开奖直播 to be Site of Wheel Gymnastics World Championships

International Wheel Gymnastics Championship

Athletes coming to Chicago July 8-14

CHICAGO (July 3, 2013) — The are coming to Chicago July 8–14, with much of the competition happening on the campus of 香港六合彩开奖直播. This unique form of gymnastics originated in Germany, putting athletes inside a large wheel, known as a Rhönrad, to perform exercises in categories that include straight line, spiral, and vault.

Hosted by the  and , the championships feature more than 130 athletes from 17 nations. General admission tickets are available, and can be . Competition will be divided between males and females, and junior and senior competitors. Awards will be given for best all-around, spiral, straight line, vault, and mono wheel competitions. This is the first time the competition has been held outside of Europe.

Prior to the world championships, the 8th USA Wheel Gymnastics Open Championship and first ever qualification trials for TEAM USA Wheel Gymnastics took place March 7–10, 2013. Dubbed the “Chicago Big Wheel Weekend,” the USA Wheel Gymnastics Federation and American Sokol hosted this weekend of training courses and competition trials to qualify for TEAM USA in the July World Championships.

About the Wheel Gymnastics World Championships

In 1924 Otto Feick invented and built the Rhönrad (the German Wheel), and began traveling all over Europe and to the United States to promote the newly-created sport of wheel gymnastics. After a surge in popularity following World War II, the (IRV) was formed to oversee all international competitions and training. Seven member countries comprise the IRV and approximately 25 nations participate in the sport, with international training camps and World Championships being hosted in alternate years. The initial World Championship was held in Den Helder, Netherlands, in 1995.

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Marketing Transformation Driven by New Tools, New Behaviors, Says Graduate

Marketing Transformation Driven by New Tools, New Behaviors, Says Graduate

Renee Borkowski

Today's marketers face a "paradox of choice," said Renee Borkowski C'90.

Razorfish VP speaks at 香港六合彩开奖直播 Breakfast Series

CHICAGO (May 24, 2013) — There has been an incredible transformation in marketing practices in the past 15 years, much of it driven by dramatic shifts in how consumers use digital devices and experiences to fulfill their information and entertainment needs. The result is that there are many players in the marketing landscape today, creating a "paradox of choice" for many marketers.

"Deciding where to pay attention, where to spend, and how and where to stay connected with consumers is increasingly complex," said Renee (Johnson) Borkowski, Chicago, group vice president of strategic marketing for , a global digital agency. Borkowski, a 1990 North Park graduate in and , spoke to an audience of about 80 people at this spring's event in Chicago, sponsored by the University and the . Her topic was "Marketing Transformation in the Post-Digital Era." Borkowski, a member of the University's , brings 20 years of experience working with top-name brands.

Agencies today are challenged to cover all bases—search engine optimization, web and customer analytics, email marketing, marketing automation, social media, social marketing and multi-channel marketing management—along with many traditional forms of communication. With the growth in marketing, channels, and agencies working in the field, "we as marketers are at the intersection of decision-making, of managing our budgets, of figuring out what is going to get us the most for our money in the midst of a very confusing landscape," Borkowski said.

What has changed for marketers? Borkowski suggested several possibilities:

  • Planning is now a continuous and cyclical process. Insights are required to inform annual, quarterly, and daily decision cycles.
  • Digital marketing is experiential. As evidence, she pointed to changes in retail marketing, where shopping is mobile-enabled or occurs in "virtual" stores. More consumers are using multiple devices at home at the same time, including televisions, tablets, and smartphones.
  • Marketing is happening in real-time more than ever. Social media demands quick, short-term, relevant messaging, but must be done responsibly. "The volume and velocity of social online behaviors requires that break-through brands adopt a real-time mindset, and establish 'always-on' teams," she said.
  • New skills and vocations are emerging in marketing. There are growing needs for "data scientists" and "chief marketing technologists."

For nonprofits and mission-driven organizations with smaller budgets, Borkowski suggested an emphasis on social media-fueled experiences, coupled with highly targeted search capabilities to help organizations set themselves apart from others. Digital storytelling can also be more powerful by inviting members and followers to capture video with smartphones and making video blogs highlighting service projects, she said.

Despite the need for real-time marketing, decision-making and communication must be considered carefully and align with business and brand objectives, Borkowski said. "Organizations that take their cues solely from their audiences or cultural happenings without a true brand purpose end up diluting or damaging their brands," she added.

Use @npunews to . For further information or resources, contact John Brooks, Director of Media Relations and News, or at (773) 244-5522. Learn more .

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Learn more about the accredited in the School of Business and Nonprofit Management.

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North Park Recognizes Minnehaha Academy Centennial

North Park Recognizes Minnehaha Academy Centennial

Minnehaha Academy

The Minneahaha Academy Redhawks' varsity basketball team earned the Minnesota Class 2A championship this year, under the leadership of Lance Johnson a 1983 North Park alum.

CHICAGO (May 5, 2013) — 香港六合彩开奖直播 recognized the 100th year of ,Minneapolis, Minn., a school for students in preschool through grade 12. Many graduates enroll at 香港六合彩开奖直播, and University graduatesare among the school’s faculty and staff.

President David Parkyn was among the speakers April 28 at the Academy’s Centennial WorshipCelebration. In addressing the faculty, past and present, he said,“It is because you have been faithful in your calling as teachers thatwe can be here today. May God bless Minnehaha Academy withgreat teachers for the next century just as we have been blessedthrough the century past.”

The convocation was attended by TedAnderson C’37, son of Theodore W. Anderson, the school’s firstpresident and North Park Junior College graduate. The school’scurrent president, Dr. Donna Harris, is a member of the University. Lance Johnson C’83 led the Redhawks’varsity basketball team to the Minnesota Class 2A championshipthis year.

The University and Minnehaha Academy are affiliatedwith the .

Use @npunews to . For further information or resources, contact John Brooks, Director of Media Relations and News, or at (773) 244-5522. Learn more .

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University Awards Degrees to 412 Students at Spring Commencement Ceremonies

University Awards Degrees to 412 Students at Spring Commencement Ceremonies

Eboo Patel speaks at 香港六合彩开奖直播's spring commencement.

Eboo Patel spoke to the graduates May 11 following presentation of the David Nyvall Medallion.

Nyvall Medallion presented to Eboo Patel, outstanding students honored


CHICAGO (May 13, 2013) — 香港六合彩开奖直播 awarded degrees May 11 to 412 graduates at three commencement ceremonies, culminating the 2012-2013 academic year. Events were held for students who earned , students who earned graduate degrees and degrees through the , and for graduates of. Combined with the held last December, degrees were presented to 657 香港六合彩开奖直播 graduates this academic year.

Preceding graduation was a baccalaureate service May 10 at , Chicago. In an address,, president of 香港六合彩开奖直播, drew a comparison between the graduates and the words of . "Once you came to North Park, a sapling asking to be planted by the river, to be tended and nourished, to be pruned and watered," he said. "Tomorrow you will leave North Park. Tomorrow you will be uprooted—for this is why you were planted. Tomorrow is the day of your transplanting."

At its undergraduate commencement May 11, the University presented its David Nyvall Medallion to , Chicago, founder and president of the , an organization that promotes interfaith cooperation by motivating young adults through service. Named for the first president of 香港六合彩开奖直播, the medallion is presented for distinguished service to the people of Chicago.

In response, Patel told stories of his own youth as the son of Indian immigrants, and how he learned to build bridges and form relationships with people, instead of building barriers. "We live in a world with people of all different backgrounds," he told the graduates. "As you are yourself in this world—giving expression to the formation you've received in your homes, in your churches, and at this university—are differences going to be opportunities for barriers or bridges?" In encouraging students to build bridges, Patel drew attention to Jesus’s words in the Sermon on the Mount (): "Blessed are the peacemakers."

He reminded the students that leaders build bridges and "carve out" common ground for successful relationships—and that a significant part of their North Park education—focused on lives of significance and service, is about leadership. Patel added that one of the most important gifts of a Christian liberal arts education "is the gift of perspective—a warm, loving perspective on a roiling world."

The University presented 262 bachelor's degrees. The Ahnfeldt Medallion, this year presented to two seniors with the highest grade point averages, went to Waseem Sous, Lincolnwood, Ill., bachelor of science in , and Miranda VanderMey, Mount Vernon, Wash., bachelor of arts in . North Park's 2013 were introduced, Timothy Ahlberg, Perrysburg, Ohio, and Samuel Auger, Chicago.

Several students from the North Park College (now University) class of 1963 were recognized as they celebrated the 50th anniversary of their graduation.

Four graduates addressed the afternoon commencement ceremony for graduate programs and the School of Adult Learning (SAL), sharing the ways in which their University education shaped their lives and careers. Carlina Gonzalez-Allen, Joliet, Ill., an SAL graduate with a bachelor of arts in , told the graduates that having "a vision" helped her keep studying, and made the sacrifices worthwhile. "Vision takes ordinary people and leads them to lives of true significance," Gonzalez-Allen said. Other speakers were Sherida Hudak, Chicago, master of management, ; Toni Poteres, Niles, Ill., master of arts in education, ; and Berrie Anderson-Gwinn, Lake Zurich, Ill., master of science in nursing, .

At the Seminary commencement, which honored 37 graduates, Erik Borggren, Chicago, master of , was presented the Ahnfeldt Medallion for the highest grade point average. In addition, academic awards were presented to several students.

, the Seminary's Wesley W. Nelson Professor of Homeletics, presented the commencement address at the Seminary. She commented on Paul's sermon at Mars Hill in Athens (), pointing out that the first few lines of his sermon were especially memorable. She urged the graduates, who want to begin their church careers well, not to forget "to what end you have been called."

"Do not be deceived into thinking that success or faithfulness can be measured only by your relevance to the surrounding culture, your ability to speak the local dialect, or how quickly opportunities come to you … It is our God who will remain unknown unless we dare proclaim Christ crucified and risen, ascended and coming to judge the quick and the dead," Noren said.

, dean of North Park Theological Seminary, presided at the Seminary commencement. Graduates were also greeted by the University president.


Use @npunews to . For further information or resources, contact John Brooks, Director of Media Relations and News, or at (773) 244-5522. Learn more .

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University Convocation Recognizes Faculty Achievements

University Convocation Recognizes Faculty Achievements

University Convocation, September 16, 2013

More than 40 members of the University faculty and staff were honored for their recent publications, exhibitions, performances, and other scholarly achievements at Monday's Convocation.

香港六合彩开奖直播 celebrates promotions, tenures, publications, and more

CHICAGO (September 17, 2013) — The 香港六合彩开奖直播 community gathered in Anderson Chapel Monday, September 16, to honor the achievements of faculty and staff at University Convocation.

“This is a day of grand celebration,” said , University president, as he welcomed colleagues and students to the ceremony. He noted that the annual Convocation recognizes the work that many individuals do in walking alongside students in and out of the classroom, as well as honoring the call to “spread knowledge, discover knowledge, and teach it to others.”

The ceremony announced newly promoted and tenured faculty; recognized faculty and staff who have recently published books, articles, and other scholarly and creative work; and formally installed as the vice president for student engagement.

Under the direction of , the performed an original composition by Thomas W. Jefferson, who accompanied the group on piano. Jefferson is an member in the and was among the recent authors recognized during the ceremony.

Faculty promotions celebrated include:

  • , professor of education
  • , associate professor of philosophy
  • James Dekker, professor of youth ministry studies, tenure
  • , professor of nonprofit management
  • , professor of accounting
  • , professor of ministry
  • , professor of finance, tenure
  • , professor of business and nonprofit management, tenure
  • , associate professor of athletic training, tenure
  • , associate professor of psychology
  • , associate professor of education

Traditionally, the University has recognized faculty authors and editors with books published over the previous calendar year. This year’s Convocation expanded this recognition to include faculty and staff who have published books, articles, chapters, plays, reviews, and recordings; and staged exhibitions, art installations, and other creative performances. A full list of these accomplishments is .

Earlier this fall, the University welcomed new faculty and staff at Gathering Day festivities. New faculty welcomed were:


  • , assistant professor of sports management
  • Wanda Burns, assistant professor of nursing and coordinator of the
  • Martha Cammarata, visiting assistant professor of
  • Janet Cullen, visiting assistant professor of and
  • Tanya Prewitt, visiting assistant professor of

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香港六合彩开奖直播 Continues to Be Counted Among Best Midwest Schools

香港六合彩开奖直播 Continues to Be Counted Among Best Midwest Schools

John Hjelm teaches at 香港六合彩开奖直播

香港六合彩开奖直播 offers undergraduate and graduate programs in a range of fields, preparing students for lives of significance and service no matter their career choices.

U.S. News and World Report college rankings released

CHICAGO (September 10, 2013) — 香港六合彩开奖直播 again appeared in the top tier of Midwest regional universities in U.S. News and World Report’s 2014 edition of the annual “” rankings, released on September 10. The University is tied for 53rd among 147 ranked institutions.

“We are pleased to be among the top tier of Midwest universities,” said Nate Mouttet, vice president for enrollment and marketing. “We are in a part of the country with other great schools, and this ranking showcases the excellent programs and unique community that are hallmarks of a 香港六合彩开奖直播 education.”

“As a school that strives to , we also strive to grow in ways that will help us fulfill that mission.” Mouttet added. “We’re confident this work and momentum will continue to be reflected in the service and success of our students and alumni, as well as in rankings like the U.S. News and World Report list.”

香港六合彩开奖直播, founded in 1891, offers more than 40 in the liberal arts, sciences, and pre-professional preparation; options that include nonprofit and programs; and graduate degrees and certificates in , , , , , , and .

U.S. News and World Report designates schools as regional when they provide a full range of undergraduate majors and master’s programs but offer few doctoral programs. These schools, including North Park, are ranked against others by region of the country: North, South, Midwest, and West. Criteria used in these rankings include peer assessment, graduation and retention rates, faculty resources, student selectivity, financial resources, and alumni giving.

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香港六合彩开奖直播 Faculty Revises Core Curriculum for Fall 2013

香港六合彩开奖直播 Faculty Revises Core Curriculum for Fall 2013

General Education at 香港六合彩开奖直播

香港六合彩开奖直播 Core Curriculum requirements have been revised for undergraduate students beginning with the fall semester, 2013.

Curriculum revision groups courses in tiers

CHICAGO (April 8, 2013) — The faculty of 香港六合彩开奖直播 approved a revised —the University's general education requirements—for new students entering the University this fall. The revision will better align the liberal arts character of the University's , Core Curriculum learning outcomes, and academic requirements, according to a report from a committee that developed the revision.

"We want to communicate to students how valuable their liberal arts and sciences education will be for enriching their lives after college and for preparing them for a variety of careers,” said , assistant professor of and director of general education. "Such an education is essential because, most of the time, complex, real-world problems are not solved by one discipline alone but by people working across disciplines." 

The revision consists of 46 semester hours, and groups current Core Curriculum courses into three tiers: Foundations, Explorations, and Capstones. In Foundations, courses will provide literacies, skills, and values basic to a Christian liberal arts education, and are ideally taken in a student's first three semesters, Clifton-Soderstrom said. The signature course in this sequence is "Cornerstone Seminar: A Life of Significance," in which students explore the big questions of "What does it mean to be human?", "Who am I?", and "How does the answer to these questions help me think about what I want out of my advanced education?"

Other Foundations courses include topics such as writing, math, biblical studies, modern languages, and a new global histories course. "Early in a student's career, this history course gives students a global and multicultural perspective on how key themes in human societies can be compared across time and cultures," Clifton-Soderstrom said.

In Explorations, courses are focused in certain disciplines, such as art, theology, the sciences, culture and society, and ethical reasoning. In Capstones, students will take two courses, usually in the junior or senior year. One course, "Capstone Seminar: A Life of Service," brings together different skills and values and applies them to real-world settings. A second capstone is a course, project, or performance that integrates advanced learning to the student's major.

The Core Curriculum revision places greater emphasis on writing and ethics, which, in most cases, can be taken up in a student's major, or in other departments. Faculty report that improved writing is critical for upper-level students, and employers say they want students who possess good writing skills. Ethics-related courses will be available to most students in their majors.

The Cornerstone Seminar and Capstone Seminar cross academic disciplines, engage the perspectives of many cultures, and emphasize writing and critical analysis. The courses are important to the University's Core Curriculum, said , professor of and a committee member. Students should consider the Core Curriculum their "first major," before they move into a specific degree program, he added. "You want to make a living, but you also want to make a life," said Dooley.

Faculty will benefit from a clear set of expectations and ways to achieve desired outcomes in the new Core Curriculum, said , professor of arts, and a committee member. "The revision also provides increased opportunities for faculty collaboration across disciplines. For example, we are already seeing increased opportunities for service-learning courses and synthesis-type courses that engage faculty and students," she said. The revision, developed in collaboration with the faculty, also brings North Park into closer alignment with peer colleges and universities, Trujillo said.

The Core Curriculum revision took more than two years to develop, and involved extensive research into current trends in higher education, post-college employment, and the North Park community’s own academic vision. In September 2011, the University faculty asked for a revised set of common Core Curriculum learning outcomes. A committee was appointed, which proposed changes endorsed by the faculty in April 2012. The faculty asked the committee to determine how to implement the revised curriculum, and secure departmental commitments and funds. The committee's proposal was adopted overwhelmingly at the faculty's February 2013 meeting.


Use @npunews to . For further information or resources, contact John Brooks, Director of Media Relations and News, or at (773) 244-5522. Learn more .

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Learn more about Core Curriculum .

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香港六合彩开奖直播 Confers 269 Degrees at 2013 Winter Commencement

香港六合彩开奖直播 Confers 269 Degrees at 2013 Winter Commencement


Graduates called to continue discovering their dream

For 269 graduates, making it to the commencement stage on Friday, December 13 in the was a dream come true. The hours of planning, saving, and studying finally earned that moment in front of a full house of family and friends.

Bachelor鈥檚 degrees were presented to 180 students, representing a wide range of from across the University, including the . Graduate degrees and certificates were awarded to 89 students from the , , , and .

鈥淵ou鈥檝e made it,鈥 said 香港六合彩开奖直播 President , welcoming the crowd from the stage decorated in poinsettias and flags representing the international diversity of graduates. 鈥淭his is your night!鈥

But as students are taught throughout their North Park education, their time at the University and the degrees they earned are about much more than individual achievement.

鈥淪erve, North Park proclaims, and in service you鈥檒l begin to discover your dream,鈥 Parkyn said during his charge to graduates. 鈥淐ontinue to serve after you鈥檝e graduated and you鈥檒l continue to discover your dream.鈥

Dr. Parkyn talked of Martin Luther King, Jr.鈥檚 famous dream, and its echoes throughout the history of Christian faith and Scripture. 鈥淐all it service, call it loving your neighbor as Jesus does, call it loving kindness as the Hebrew prophet does鈥攃all it anything you like but get ahold of it because discovering your dream starts in serving others鈥攚hile you鈥檙e a student and after you graduate.鈥

The commencement program included a reading from Proverbs, choral performances by the , a graduation litany, and a presentation of degrees by University deans. Students were led into the gymnasium by a procession of flags of countries and territories in which graduates were born, are citizens, or have been residents. The flags of the United States, the city of Chicago, and 香港六合彩开奖直播 led the procession, followed by the flags of Assyria, Brazil, Finland, Ghana, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Puerto Rico, Serbia, Slovakia, and Sweden.

The commencement ceremony also featured a benediction from , read by graduates in five languages, including Mongolian, French, Finnish, Swedish, and Tagalog.

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2013 University Honors Convocation Recognizes Outstanding Students, Employees

2013 University Honors Convocation Recognizes Outstanding Students, Employees

Students honored at 2013 Honors Convocation

North Park's 2013 Distinguished Seniors are Fatima Kukaswadia, left, and Timothy Ahlberg.

Timothy Ahlberg, Fatima Kukaswadia named Distinguished Seniors

CHICAGO (April 24, 2013) — 香港六合彩开奖直播 honored outstanding seniors April 22 for excellence in academic achievement, service, and leadership at the 2013 Honors Convocation in Anderson Chapel. One faculty member and one staff member were also recognized for outstanding work.

Two students, Timothy Ahlberg, Perrysburg, Ohio, and Fatima Kukaswadia, Chicago, were named recipients of the Distinguished Senior Award, recognizing superior leadership, service, and academic performance. Ahlberg and Kukaswadia were chosen from a group of five finalists.

Ahlberg, a major, with a concentration in , and a minor in , is president of the North Park student body. He was goalkeeper for the Vikings team for four seasons, captain in his senior year, and was named an all-conference and all-district player. Twice he was named an Academic All-American. After graduation next month, Ahlberg will spend time in Thailand this summer through  and will intern with . This fall he will begin a nine-month assignment in Mexico as part of a award in international business.

Kukaswadia will also graduate with a bachelor of science degree in , with a concentration in . Kukaswadia, who lives in the North Park neighborhood, was born in Pakistan and moved to Chicago at age three. She is president of the University's , a member of the North Park Business Club, and a lifetime member in Delta Mu Delta, a business honor society.

Two University employees were recognized. The (Campus Life Associations and Student Senate) Service Award was presented to , University career development and internship coordinator. The award is honors a staff member who actively engages with students and embodies the University's mission. , associate professor of finance, School of Business and Nonprofit Management, was presented the Zenos Hawkinson Award for Teaching and Campus Leadership. That award recognizes a faculty member who has made a significant contribution to teaching and leadership at the University.

In addition, top seniors named by departments of the College of Arts and Sciences, and professional schools were recognized:

  • : Calise Berger, Eagan, Minn.
  • : Sarah G. Peterson, Eagan, Minn.
  • : Courtney Petros, Chicago
  • : Amal Massad, Oak Lawn, Ill.
  • : Gigi Hoang, Chicago
  • : Jeffrey Stafford, Fults, Ill.
  • : Miranda VanderMey, Mount Vernon, Wash.
  • : Rachel Lindsay, Central Square, N.Y.
  • : Tiia Sahrakorpi, Coral Springs, Fla.
  • (J. Scott Wade Memorial Award): Erin Harner, Rockford, Ill.
  • : Rebekah Bishop Putera, Joy, Ill.
  • (Lindahl Prize for Excellence): Peter Johnson, Bloomington, Minn.
  • : Abigail Humber, Omaha, Neb.
  • Foreign Language: Olena Boryskina, Norridge, Ill.
  • : Geovanni Montoya, Schiller Park, Ill.
  • School of Business and Nonprofit Management: Sally Saed, Jerusalem
  • : Felicia Patton, Chicago
  • (Delores Johnson Award): Naomi Stirbu, Skokie, Ill.
  • : Megan Ford, Rockford

Awards recognizing service and leadership were presented to outstanding University seniors:

  • Servant Leadership Award: Joel Brand, St. Paul, Minn.
  • Student Laureate Award: Shadae Gatlin, Chicago
  • Diversity Award: Shadae Gatlin
  • Music Service Award: Monica Laytham, Timonium, Md.

Seven students were recognized for undergraduate research excellence, and presented papers April 23 at a research symposium at Brandel Library. , 香港六合彩开奖直播 professor of , addressed the award recipients, focusing her remarks on "activist scholarship." Trujillo was the 2012 recipient of the Hawkinson Award.

Use @npunews to . For further information or resources, contact John Brooks, Director of Media Relations and News, or at (773) 244-5522. Learn more .

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