
Brandel Library from the driveway on Christiania

Services for Faculty

Course Reserve Request

The reserve collection includes course materials for undergraduate classes. Requests to place graduate course materials on reserve will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Students can check out reserve items from the circulation desk for 2 hours for use within the library only.

Please note that the library is not affiliated with the bookstore. Although the library does check the Akademos list, asking the library to place an item on course reserve is a separate process from asking the bookstore to stock your course texts.

To add your course texts to the reserve collection, please read the following guidelines below:

  • We will purchase only one copy of each title.
  • We prefer to purchase texts rather than place personal copies on reserve.
  • We cannot purchase spiral bound texts, loose-leaf, workbooks, course reading packs, software, or other supplementary materials. Also, some ebooks are not licensed for use by libraries and therefore cannot be added to our collection.
  • If we have a title within one edition of the requested item, we may opt not to purchase the new edition.
  • The deadline for submitting requests is three weeks before the first day the class meets.

To submit a course reserve request please complete and submit this form:Â