
Colleges and Schools

Health and Wellness Program Requirements

Students who complete the program requirements for a bachelor of science (BS) degree with a major in health sciences: health and wellness will be prepared for careers across the healthcare sector related to health and wellness promotion, such as employee wellness coordinator, health promotion specialist, outreach coordinator, and research assistant. In addition, some students continue on to graduate or professional studies, particularly in public health, nursing, physical therapy, and as physician assistants.

Major Requirements: Health Sciences, Health and Wellness Track

44 hours of major coursework

42 Core Curriculum hours

120 total hours for graduation



Course Descriptions

For a complete list of all North Park’s programs and course offerings, review the academic catalog.

Prerequisites and Supporting Courses

Includes structure and organization of human organ systems emphasizing skeletal, muscular, digestive, circulatory, respiratory, nervous, and urogenital systems. Lab included with cadaver demonstrations. It is recommened that the student complete one year of high school laboratory science. This course is designed for students majoring in the sciences, healthcare, or nursing.

The purpose of this course is to provide the student with a basic understanding of the general principles of disease, as well as specific disease processes of body systems and individual organs. Previously learned concepts from courses in anatomy and physiology provide the foundation for investigating pathophysiological mechanisms. Concepts learned in this course are basic to those interested in a career in a healthcare setting.

Structure and function of the nervous, circulatory, respiratory, endocrine, muscular, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems of the body. Lab included.

A survey of the major functional classes of organic compounds including structure, nomenclature, properties, and reactions. Includes an introduction to the classes of natural products. Four hours lecture and two hours laboratory per week. Student must have completed one year of high school general chemistry.

A survey of chemistry of cellular compounds. Introduction to the different classes of biochemicals. Introduction to bioenergetics and enzymology and to the major pathways of cellular chemical events. Four hours lecture and two hours laboratory per week.

A study of physical and psychological well-being, including exercise and nutrition.

Problems, fields, and methods of sociology. Emphasis on a theoretical frame of reference to explain basic social processes, the role of culture in social behavior, the nature of social organization, and social and cultural change. Intensive reading in descriptive studies from a wide range of societies.

This course introduces students to biostatistics, focusing on the application of statistical ideas and methods to collect, summarize, analyze and interpret health sciences data. Topics covered include: data types, summary statistics, graphical methods, correlation, regression, standard scores, probability, risk and odds ratios, normal distributions, confidence intervals, parametric and nonparametric inferential tests. Students develop analytic skills for working with data and critical thinking skills regarding the role of statistics in research in the Health Sciences professions.


Health Sciences Core Classes

This course serves as an introduction to the field of health science. The student will develop an understanding of the health care system in the United States and the professions which impact it. The student will be learning how to navigate the health care resources and acquire knowledge of how health care is delivered.

This course provides knowledge and skills to apply a population focused approach to addressing health-related problems in the US. This course will cover basic epidemiological concepts, statistics, and tools used in descriptive and analytic epidemiology. Students will gain practice in reading and interpreting epidemiologic studies used as a basis for improving health. Tools for improving public health will also be covered, including screening programs, Healthy People initiatives, and disease surveillance systems.

Issues and dilemmas in the health care system serve as a basis for examination of theories and principles of ethics. The spiritual domain is considered a valued context for decision-making.

This course prepares healthcare professionals to successfully apply technology to manage healthcare challenges and opportunities. It emphasizes the vital requirement of healthcare professionals to effectively use technology tools that will engage healthcare consumers as partners in care. A theoretical foundation for the field of informatics is introduced and applied. The course is designed for students in nursing or health science programs of study. It is built upon and connected to the University urban, intercultural, and Christian distinctives.

Introduces elements of the research process with emphasis on becoming a consumer of research. Focus is on relevance of research findings to evidenced-based quality health care. Considers ethical issues in research.

Examines and emphasizes the challenges and opportunities related to issues in health policy and health care from a local, national, and international perspective. Addresses the political, economic, legal, and ethical aspects of the United States Health Care policy and health care issues; their impact on patients; and mechanisms and strategies for political advocacy and influence.


Health and Wellness Core Classes

An introduction to the methodology and the major content areas of psychology.


Applies the science of nutrition to human needs throughout the life span. Includes major nutrition related health problems. Explores cultural and ethical issues and values related to nutrition, food consumption, hunger, and the environment. Connects to Christian, urban, and international issues.


This course will introduce students to an evidence-based review of the direct effects of diet on health and physical activity. Specific topics addressed include nutrient metabolism, body composition management, hydration, health effects, supplement and food ethics.


Study of the dimensions of health and selected health topics with emphasis on how one's behavior affects health.

Study of health issues as they relate to fitness professionals. Topics of study include weight management, stress management, and substance abuse. Counseling skills, screening instruments, and referral procedures will also be covered.

Students will learn to evaluate and interpret the latest nutrition science, with an emphasis on nutritional epidemiologic research in large populations, including nutritional assessment methods. This course will describe the scientific basis of national nutrition recommendations and how to support patient/consumer efforts to implement dietary advice provided by public health officials and clinicians.

Students will build health literacy skills by learning how to evaluate and communicate the science behind fads and emerging new health and wellness therapies both verbally and in writing for general lay audiences. Topics will include nutritional supplements, diet and exercise "fads," and various alternative and complementary health therapies.

The Health Science Capstone course enables students to synthesize their educational experiences in the major and prepare for careers in their selected field of health care. The capstone project will require the student to demonstrate critical analysis of data and develop a plan to respond to an issue in health care relevant to their concentration (Health Systems Management or Health and Wellness). Students will present their research at the end of the semester through a research paper and formal presentation to each other and invited guests.