
News, Stories
May 17, 2018

Overlapping Milestones Inspire Special Baseball Commencement Ceremony

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Graduating seniors on North Park’s baseball team found themselves in a positive conundrum last weekend: they had secured a place in the CCIW (College Conference of Illinois and Wisconsin) championship, but the Saturday game was set to be played at the same time as North Park’s commencement ceremony. The dual milestone accomplishments prompted North Park leadership to hold a special Baseball Commencement Service on Wednesday, May 9.

The Baseball Commencement Service began with a sudden early evening rain shower—delaying one family’s arrival and attendance to the service. But being good sports, the faculty, leadership, fellow baseball teammates, and guests reconvened for one more round of the commencement ceremony to give the family an opportunity to witness their son receive his diploma.

Graduating baseball seniors Joshua Alexander Smith (Bachelor of Science in Biology, Magna Cum Laude ), Glenn William Meyers (Bachelor of Science in Business and Economics), and Joseph Paul Koutnik (Bachelor of Arts in History) exited Isaacson Chapel to sunny skies for congratulatory handshakes, proud embraces, and photo-ops.

President Carl Balsam welcomed guests, with Provost Michael O. Emerson delivering the Invocation followed by Charge to Graduates by Athletic Champlain Terence Gadsden and Commencement Litany by President Balsam, Provost Emerson, and Vice President Jodi Koslow Martin. President Balsam and Provost Emerson awarded the degrees and Director of University Ministries Tony Zamble delivered the Benediction. For outstanding scholarship and varsity athletic participation, Joshua Alexander Smith received the Pearson Athlete Award.

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